The user has copied something out of the lister, or dragged something from
the lister and dropped it on another one. Either way we need to extract it.
2 lister set handle busy on
3 if otherhandle = 0 then
4 if newopus then
5 winpath = deststr
6 else do
7 call displayerror(getcatstr(9,'No destination selected!'))
8 return
9 end
10 else do
11 if checkhandler() then
12 return
13 lister set otherhandle busy on
14 lister query otherhandle path
15 winpath = result
16 end
18 lister query handle numdirs
19 anydirs = result > 0
20 mustmove = anydirs & arcsubdir ~== ''
21 if mustmove then do
22 destpath = winpath'ArcDir'handle
23 call makedir(destpath)
24 destpath = destpath'/'
25 end
26 else
27 destpath = winpath
29 lister set handle title getcatstr(10,'Extracting from archive...')
30 lister refresh handle full
32 select
33 when arctype = 'LHA' then do
34 call open('actionfile','T:actionfile'handle,'w')
35 do i = 1 to entries
36 if type.i > 0 then
37 wild = '/#?'
38 else
39 wild = ''
40 call writeln('actionfile','"'patch(arcsubdir||name.i,1)||wild'"')
41 end
42 call close('actionfile')
44 if anydirs then
45 cmd = 'x'
46 else
47 cmd = 'e -x2'
48 address command 'LhA' cmd '-q -a -C0 -X -Qo "'patch(arcfile,0)'" "'destpath'" @T:actionfile'handle
49 problem = rc > 0
50 call delete('T:actionfile'handle)
51 end
52 when arctype = 'LZX' then do
53 if anydirs then
54 cmd = 'x'
55 else
56 cmd = 'e'
57 lzxcmd = 'LZX' cmd '-q -a -C0 -X0 --' lzxkludge(patch(arcfile,0))
59 linelen = 0
60 n = 0
61 do i = 1 to entries
62 if type.i > 0 then
63 wild = '/#?'
64 else
65 wild = ''
66 dothis = lzxkludge(patch(arcsubdir||name.i,0)||wild)
67 linelen = linelen + length(dothis) + 1
68 if i = 1 | linelen > 255 then do
69 n = n + 1
70 dothese.n = dothis
71 linelen = length(lzxcmd) + length(dothis) + 1
72 end
73 else
74 dothese.n = dothese.n dothis
75 end
77 oldcurrent = pragma('d')
78 call pragma('d',destpath)
79 do i = 1 to n
80 address command lzxcmd dothese.i
81 problem = rc > 0
82 if problem > 0 then
83 leave
84 end
85 call pragma('d',oldcurrent)
86 end
87 end
89 if problem then
90 call displayerror(getcatstr(11,'Error while extracting from archive.'))
91 else
92 do i = 1 to entries
93 lister select handle '"'name.i'"' off
94 end
96 lister set handle title 'ArcDir:' arcname
97 lister refresh handle full
99 if mustmove then do
100 address command 'DOpus5:C/Move >NIL: "'destpath||arcsubdir'#?" "'winpath'"'
101 address command 'Delete >NIL: "'winpath'ArcDir'handle'" ALL QUIET'
102 end
104 if otherhandle ~= 0 then do
105 lister set otherhandle busy off
106 lister read otherhandle '"'winpath'"' force
107 end
108 return
1 Sub-routine label.
2 Change the ArcDir lister to state busy.
3 If the handle given to us for the other lister equals 0 then...
4 - 5 If it's an Opus version later than 5.1215, (newopus was set back
here ), then we set winpath to the string returned in argument
7 of the message packet.
6 - 9 If it's an earlier version of Opus, then we display an error message
and return immediately, (upgrade :)
10 - 16 If the handle didn't equal 0 then we check to see if the other lister
is a custom handler, if it is then we return immediately. If it
isn't we set the state of the other lister to busy and get it's path
in winpath.
18 - 19 We see if there are any directories in our ArcDir lister display, if
there are we set anydirs to 1.
20 We set mustmove to 1 if anydirs was set to 1 and we are not in the
root directory of the archive.
21 - 25 If mustmove is true (1), then we will have to extract to a directory
structure in T:, so we call the makedir routine to create it and
set destpath to the created directory.
26 - 27 Otherwise we set destpath to equal winpath.
29 - 30 Set the ArcDir lister titlebar to tell the user what we're doing and
refresh the display.
32 - 87 Now depending what type of archive it is, we do the appropriate part
of the Select...When conditional block, I'll assume LhA because it's
easier :)
34 We open a file in T: for writing to, it will contain the entries that
we want to extract.
35 - 41 A DO loop in which we check the TYPE of the entry, (as detected in
the getall routine), if it's a directory we set wild to '#?',
if not then we set it to an empty string. We then write the entry to
the temporary file in T:, patching the string for strange
characters and adding wild. Keep doing it until there are no more
entries to add.
42 Close the temporary file.
44 - 47 If anydirs was set to true (1), then we make the extraction method
'x' (full paths) otherwise we set it to 'e -x2' (ignore paths), see
the LhA docs.
48 Run the archiver with the name of our archive, patching for any
strange characters, and the list of files to extract.
49 If there was a problem set problem to true (1).
50 Delete the temporary file in T:.
51 End of the When block for LhA archives.
89 - 90 If there was a problem extracting entries, tell the user via the
displayerror routine, translating if necessary through the
getcatstr routine.
91 - 97 If there wasn't any problem then we unselect all our selected
entries, set the ArcDir titlebar back to it's normal display and do a
full refresh to update the lister display.
99 -102 If mustmove was true, then we need to move the extracted entries from
the directory structure in T: to the destination path, destpath.
Then we delete the directory structure in T:.
104-107 If otherhandle doesn't equal 0, then there is a destination lister,
we set it's state back to idle and force it to reread the directory.
108 We return.